After long time no post, why my blog set to http://pagesinxt.com/?dn=h1.ripway.comThat was caused by this Script :http://h1.ripway.com/lusalary/linkpelangi.jsThe problem solving is login to your blog…
After long time no post, why my blog set to http://pagesinxt.com/?dn=h1.ripway.comThat was caused by this Script :http://h1.ripway.com/lusalary/linkpelangi.jsThe problem solving is login to your blog…
Ron Clark's Phenomenal Book Brings Out the Best in Your Students By Beth Lewis, About.com A few years ago, I watched Disney's Teacher of the Year Ron Clark on the Oprah Winfrey Show. He told the insp…
Most of us are held in awe once we meet children who can be as smart as a person who is a lot older than them. We often call these children as gifted, because they are endowed with the knowledge that…
Education in Indonesia is the responsibility of the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia/Depdiknas). Education in Indonesia was previously th…